Great Britain has a long and proud heritage in design, engineering and manufacturing.
As the UK’s expert authority for design and technology education, the Association believes that there should be the opportunity for all students, across abilities, to study high-quality D&T as part of a broad and creative curriculum up to the age of 18.
The Design and Technology Association supports, develops and promotes high quality design and technology teaching and learning as an essential part of the rounded education of all young people.
We have over 22,000 members across the UK and provide advice, support and training for those involved in teaching design, engineering and technology.
Design and technology pupils develop designing and making skills, learn about electronics, computing, engineering, CAD, CAM, robotics, materials and textiles technology. They also develop business critical skills in problem-solving, innovation and team-work.
The world is changing fast. The D&T Association believe the future of this high tech, innovative subject is in our hands
It is imperative that we become even more proactive with business and industry by working to increase the profile of D&T in schools and to highlight the exciting career prospects for young people studying the subject.
And not just helping young people ‘get a job’, but work that has purpose as they use their ideas and energy and apply their problem-solving skills, learned in D&T, to address modern day pressing issues. Creative and innovative thinking helps to address the many social and environmental issues threatening our world.
Does this resonate with you?
Does preserving and building on our nation’s hard-won design and engineering reputation appeal to you?
If developing and nurturing your workforce of the future makes sense…
…Then join Blueprint 1000®, as we seek to bring the worlds of business, industry, and education closer together. Create a voice for technical and vocational education in schools. Help identify and bring your business closer to your future workforce.
Meet your team
Tony Ryan
Chief Executive Officer
Ex-secondary headteacher, now CEO of the Design and Technology Association.
Driven to bring the worlds of education and business/industry closer together in order to inform and inspire the workforce of tomorrow.
Debbie Woodbridge
Director of Industry Engagement
Responsible for ensuring member satisfaction and successful engagement between education and engineering, manufacturing and creative industry sectors.
I am keen to help you build long term relationships with schools and young people, both regionally and nationally, to address the skills gap that currently exists between pupils leaving school and entering the workplace.
Ryan Ball
Director of Education
Works to create real, contextual learning opportunities for schools, linking them to industry practice.
As an ex-teacher I work with companies to empower educators with the knowledge, understanding and skills that occur in industry and which will enthuse their students and equip them for a creative, ambitious future.

Amelia Wright
Customer Service Officer
As a member, you are in good company
The Design and Technology Association’s Blueprint 1000® initiative is building long term relationships between companies and schools, locally and nationally, for mutual benefit. Join us to contribute to improved outcomes for young people, communities, and business.