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Business owner targeting schools

Do you have a product or service that is bought by schools, particularly within the Design and Technology subject? Blueprint 1000® can open doors to conversations and effective engagement with secondary school subject leaders and teachers, including over 28,000 Design and Technology Association members.

Getting involved with Blueprint 1000® will

Provide access to teachers, leaders and decision makers in schools and educational establishments nationally

Get your products to those educators through marketing channels with high engagement such as webinars, email newsletters and magazines

Receive preferential member advertising rates in The Design and Technology Association member magazines.

Improve your success rate in selling to schools as you market to them through a trusted source, whose communication has a high degree of engagement, The Design and Technology Association

As a member you will receive


We will establish which type of schools you are trying to sell to


We will help you implement the activity plan.


We will agree with you the best way of reaching those schools through The Design and Technology Association communication and activity calendar and agree an activity plan worth, at least, the value of your membership fee.


We will explore further opportunities with you to take part in our webinar programme to spreak directly to teachers across the country and discuss sponsorship of events, promotion within e-newsletters and advertising in our magazines at preferential rates.

£3750 per year (+VAT) per participating business location

RE-Motion Media provides industry leading 3D Virtual Tours, Drone Photography and Promotional Videos for the UK property industry

They wanted to enter the education market and provide schools with 3D video tours of D&T departments and whole schools. This would be used to showcase a school to new entrants into year 7 and above, who are not currently able to enter the school. The software is perfect to showcase Design and Technology and Engineering at virtual options evenings, highlighting inspiring learning which take place in the department.

The software is also perfect to highlight exit and entry points, useful for risk assessment and H&S in school and position of utilities etc when building work is planned for the school.

They became a Blueprint 1000® member and were invited to take part in a number of regional webinars attended by teachers across the country where they showcased the product.

“We were excited to become a member, due to the huge potential opportunity that being introduced to schools across the country presented to our business”

Harry Ravenhill,
Director of Motion Real Estate Media Ltd

Further benefits of Blueprint 1000®


Blueprint 1000® helps you influence the subject and provide context from your business, cementing your company reputation as a supporter of the local community.

Conversation starter

Blueprint 1000® can open doors to conversations and effective engagement with senior school leaders and teachers, including over 22,000 Design & Technology Association members


Getting involved with Blueprint 1000® gives you better insight into developments in the world of education. You will benefit from increased knowledge, employee motivation and positive PR for your business

Advertising and promotion

Receive preferential member advertising rates in The Design and Technology Association Magazines and on marketing email shots. Attend and promote your company on our ongoing and varied Webinar programme

PR Opportunities

We will help you to gain positive PR within your local school community to help you become one of the local employers of choice, highlighting your reputation within a region

As a member, you are in good company

The Design and Technology Association’s Blueprint 1000® initiative is building long term relationships between companies and schools, locally and nationally, for mutual benefit. Join us to contribute to improved outcomes for young people, communities, and business.

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