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Teachers In Residence

Connecting secondary teachers with industry professionals

Blueprint 1000® members have the opportunity to host a Teachers In Residence (TiR) programme. TiR is a teacher internship programme that has been proven to have significant benefits for the teachers and companies that have participated. This initiative is sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 

“The Teachers in Residence programme has given me a great insight into what engineering employers are looking for in employees, helping to ensure our pupils have the knowledge, skills and aptitude for the employment roles that are offered”

Stephen Wilkinson,
Teacher in Residence at Husqvarna

What is Teachers In Residence?

Your company, a UK based design, engineering, manufacturing, or construction business, would host a three-to-five-day internship for a design and technology teacher. You would immerse the teacher in your day-to-day business activity across different departments, providing a 360-degree first-hand experience of working in industry.

By participating in TiR you are helping a teacher to develop a deeper understanding of modern industry and the technical skills and attributes required by employees, with a clear view of career pathways for their students.

The teachers’ awareness and favourable impression of your business is likely to be conveyed to the pupils that they teach, further enhancing your company’s reputation.

The quality of teaching will improve as teachers return to class with a better understanding of the needs of local industry.

“This experience has changed how I teach forever. The company was incredible, and I would fully recommend Teachers in Residence. I wanted to meet designers with different job roles, understand how they tackled the iterative design process, and try to draw connections between our curriculum and their way of working”

Rebecca Topps,
Teacher in Residence at Bulletproof

What is required from the company?

Your company will provide the teacher with hands-on experience, for an agreed timeframe. You will offer an overview of how it runs with a specific focus on career paths available to young people leaving education and entering the workplace.

Supporting teachers and students

We will work with you to develop an engaging programme, which will help teachers to get a better understanding of modern industry practice. The teacher will learn how this fits with the learning they are guiding in the classroom, and how they, as educators and mentors, can prepare and support their students as they complete their education, and help them to make considered decisions regarding their future career paths.

Supporting industry

Your company will have the opportunity to establish close links with schools and teachers. Through the experiences provided to teachers to work closely with your company, you will enhance student learning and careers guidance as teachers become better informed and more confident as they guide and educate the workforce of the future.

As a member, you are in good company

The Design and Technology Association’s Blueprint 1000® initiative is building long term relationships between companies and schools, locally and nationally, for mutual benefit. Join us to contribute to improved outcomes for young people, communities, and business.

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