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Affinity by Serif

Affinity by Serif

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Company Description

Serif – delivering affordable, accessible creative software to education.

The Affinity range from Serif represents the very latest in design, image editing and layout software used by customers ranging from leading schools and universities to household name automotive manufacturers, apparel and fashion design houses, visual effects and gaming studios and innovative scientific research projects around the world.

Backed by Serif’s three decades of experience, millions of users appreciate the powerful, fluid workflow in Affinity, offering the ability to switch between vector and raster editing in the same workspace, compatibility with all major file types and an easy learning curve.

We are proud of our ability to work closely with customers and react quickly to their changing requirements. Working with organisations like the Design & Technology Association enables us to educate members on the advantages of our technology, but also use their knowledge and insight to shape our tools to meet the creative needs of future generations.

Have a look at our Education Booklet.

As a member, you are in good company

The Design and Technology Association’s Blueprint 1000® initiative is building long term relationships between companies and schools, locally and nationally, for mutual benefit. Join us to contribute to improved outcomes for young people, communities, and business.

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