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ELSE London

ELSE London

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Company Description

ELSE are a strategic design consultancy that helps businesses create innovative and effective products and services. They have expertise in product and service innovation, experience design and embedded design ops for starts-ups and large businesses. They believe design is as much about rigour and analytical thinking as it is about creative and innovative ideas. Since 2010, they have been designing experiences and helping businesses navigate change.

They are driven by a desire to better connect secondary design education with  an exciting design discipline. As part of their membership they have hosted work placements which allowed teachers a first-hand look at how a thriving design agency operates. This is to ensure the relevant skills are being taken back into the classroom.

The company have also held a well attended webinar which allowed them to connect with and inspire educators. Their membership allows them to make students from different socio-economic groups become aware of the opportunities available to them through open communciation with education.

As a member, you are in good company

The Design and Technology Association’s Blueprint 1000® initiative is building long term relationships between companies and schools, locally and nationally, for mutual benefit. Join us to contribute to improved outcomes for young people, communities, and business.

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